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Endurance Format Details: 


In our exclusive format, the only way to earn a point is via submission, and in this rule set, it's possible to earn more than one per match. Two or more taps from your opponent against the mat, you, or a verbal indication to the referee will count as an earned point. All submissions are legal. If there is a tie in the traditional 3 rounds, a 5 minute overtime round takes place. If there is no submission in the tie breaking overtime round, it goes to decision based on the performance from that overtime round. Decisions are based on submission attempts, aggression and negative marks for stalling. If the standard 3 rounds have no submissions then the contest is declared a draw.  


The match will take place inside an MMA cage, and allows competitors to utilize the use of cage for maneuvers and positioning, including takedown attempts, escapes and controls with aim to submit the opponent. However, grabbing the fence with fingers or toes is deemed illegal.


All takedowns, throws, and trips are legal, with the exception of moves that spikes the opponent’s head to the ground.


Attire is NOGI. Rash guards (short and long sleeve), no shirt, pocketless fight shorts, and spats are all permitted in competition. A sponsored event will provide the gear however not all events are sponsored. 

No loose shirts, pockets, socks, shoes, gloves, hats, head gears, jewelry, clothing with profanity, jeans, or anything that is not specifically designed for competition is permitted. 


We ask that you be respectful of your opponent, fellow competitors, fans, and event staff. 


1) No unsportsmanlike conduct will be allowed. You may be disqualified or ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct. The referees will be shown maximum respect at all times. Their decisions are final and will not be overturned.
2) No striking, biting, eye gouging (includes chin to eye), head butting, small joint manipulation, hair pulling, grabbing the windpipe, or ear pulling will be permitted.
3) No infectious skin diseases (such as ringworm, staph, and MRSA) or open wounds will be permitted. No lubricants, oils, or lotions of any kind will be permitted on any part of the body or clothing.
4) Competitors will be allowed to continue grappling anywhere on the matted or cage wall area. In case of a stoppage, and the referee is unable to duplicate the position, the competitors will restart from a standing position.
5) If a competitor flees the ring when a submission is locked in and the competitor is obviously fleeing to avoid submission, he or she will be automatically disqualified.

6) No slamming allowed. Illegal slamming will be defined as slamming your opponent to escape submissions and/or to pass the guard; or standing from the guard.

7) Stalling the match will result in 2 warnings from the official before proceeding to being placed in a reset position to the advantage of your opponent or disqualification. 

8) No grabbing the cage walls is permitted though they can be used for leverage. 

9) It is the responsibility of competitors to tap within a reasonable amount of time when in a dangerous position. 


The definition of submission will ruled by the referee as following: 

  • a. Physical Tap Out due to submission or injury (at least two rapid taps on the opponent or mat) 

  • b. Verbal Tap Out due to submission (voluntary or involuntary scream out of pain) 

  • c. Technical Submission (Referee Stops contest) due to loss of consciousness or injury, and unable to continue with the bout. The Referee can also stops the bout if the Referee feels one competitor is unable to defend or in risk of injury

  • d. Cardio tap out due to the competitor not being able to continue from exhaustion. Point awarded to opponent. 



Participants will have to ensure they are in proper physical condition to participate in combat sports, and they are not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis B/C or any other form infectious disease




Fouls & Illegal Techniques

 The following acts are NOT ALLOWED:

  • a. Strikes of any kind;

  • b. Head butts;

  • c. Biting;

  • d. Touch Groin Area;

  • e. Eye gouging of any kind (including Fingers, Thumb, Chin, Elbows);

  • f. Fish hooking;

  • g. Insertion of digits (fingers, toes) into any orifice (including cuts);

  • h. Small joint manipulation;

  • i. Hair Pulling;

  • j. Grabbing/holding/pulling opponent’s apparel;

  • k. Pinching/twisting opponent’s flesh;

  • l. Timidity (failure to engage, running away, stalling);

  • m. Flagrantly or passively disregarding the instructions of the referee;

  • n. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind;

  • o. No spiking the head of opponent to the mat;

  • p. Slippery substances on hair, body or apparel;

  • q. Grabbing the fence at any time


Competitors assume all responsibility of potential injury or illness. 


Competitors will be on camera for the duration of the evening and footage may be used in marketing materials from in and out of the cage. 


What makes ARENA different? 


We are submission grappling's definitive match. This involves our exclusive endurance format ruleset and removing all possible variables in the match to have a winner declared without debate. We put just as much care into the match videos to create a unique approach to how matches are watched. 


All submission are legal? 


Yes. Our rules allow for almost all submissions except for small joint manipulation. 


Slams legal? 


At the current time slams are NOT legal. Dynamic takedowns are permitted. 


Coach Policy? 


One coach per team is permitted entry on filming day. Your coach is NOT interchangeable with an unaffiliated guest. Coaches must refrain from profanity, "cheerleading", grabbing the cage walls, standing on chairs, and unprofessional behavior. All coaching during the rounds must be for strategic purposes ONLY. 




Cards now allow spectators with at the door ticketing options available. Attendees must keep the results of the card confidential until the match is officially released unless it is a LIVE broadcast card. 


Can someone film my match for me? 


No. All competitors will be able to purchase a high quality video once the event is made public. 




Our weigh in policy is to allow day before video submissions (submitted by 9pm the day before the match) as well as a day of option.  The choice is made by the competitor. The allowance is a maximum of 1lb. 


Can I use the cage walls during my match? 


Yes. We only restrict grabbing the cage walls. 


Do I have to apply for each new card? 


Yes. This lets us know without question you want to compete that month. ​


Can I tell people about the match result? 


We appreciate confidentiality until the match is made public on release day. 


What happens if I can't make my match commitment? 


All drop-outs without a medically verified excuse will be considered for roster removal. All claims of injury must have documentation proving it. All drop outs in the 48 hours leading up to the event will be considered for roster removal regardless of reason. 





Additional Info

We strongly recommend the use of a mouth guard. 

All competitors are expected to trim nails and use proper hygiene. 

Groin protector is optional. (No metal Muay Thai groin protector allowed)

The filming day and the match release day are separate days. Please read all information provided.


Expect to be on camera when near or around the cage area and behave accordingly. 

More questions? Hit the chat icon.

Arena Grappling © 2024

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